5 Home Remedies for Flu Symptoms

Can I be honest with you? My most recent flu symptoms really kicked my behind! I'm talking complete exhaustion- I could barely make it out of bed. A headache so severe the mildest noise made me want to plug my ears with cement. And a body so sore I couldn't sleep, I couldn't walk, I could barely exist. Flu symptoms are no joke, not to mention that viral infections can actually kill you. I was forced to lovingly care for my aching body and create 5 home remedies to alleviate my Flu Symptoms.

Creating my 5 home remedies to alleviate my Flu Symptoms of course meant doing reasearch which I love! According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu is a "contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death." Once I read the word DEATH, I ran to the doctor. Okay... I stayed home a few days hoping it would pass but it didn't and I knew it was time for Western medicine and Eastern medicine to collide. My MD prescribed a few medications and I hit the home remedy game hard.

Being the research junkie that I am I combed through a ton of studies and found that The Washington Post put together a comprehensive list of questions about this year's flu. Among their questions is a list of flu symptoms a person may experience but that vary from person to person. Personally, I experienced all 8 symptoms and if you're experiencing 5 or more it's time to see your physician and begin using the remedies in this article to speed the healing process along.

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone with flu will have a fever)

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue (tiredness)

  • Vomiting and diarrhea, although this is more common in children than adults

For 5 Days I stewed in all the nastiness of the flu and if it weren't for these 6 remedies I don't think I would have survived! There's no experience as humbling and eye-opening as being unable to walk, eat, and pretty much exist in peace, and I am beyond thankful that I had a few tricks up my sleeve to help me along the way.

5 home remedies for flu symptoms

5 Home Remedies for Flu-Symptoms

  1. SLEEP! NAP! LOUNGE! Basically, do as little as possible during your recovery from flu symptoms. I know the guilt of all the things you should be doing will creep in- we're women, we can't help ourselves. I kept thinking about the next blog post I needed to write, the skin-care products I needed to craft and ship, canceling on health coaching clients and all the classwork I'd miss. But I truly needed to take the time to relax and heal. Grab your favorite book, watch shitty TV shows and do it all while in the comfort of your bed, snuggled in mounds of comfy blankets. Learn more about the benefits of sleeping while sick here.

  2. Hydrate like your life depends on it. It may sound like a cliche but drinking lots of fluids is actually solid medical advice when you're in need of home remedies for flu symptoms. Drinking water can lower fevers, prevents and controls nausea and vomiting, and clears secretions from your body. Drinking water not your thing? Make yourself a fruit infused water you can't resist. Add a little honey, a handful of your favorite fruit and let it sit for a bit. It's the tastiest way to trick your body into healing.

  3. Try a Detox Bath. I can personally attest to how absolutely fantastic a detox bath can be when your body has given up on you and you're fighting flu symptoms. Grab 1 cup of Epsom Salt, 1/2 cup of Baking Soda, 4 TBSPs of Ginger Powder, 15 drops of Tea Tree & Lavender Essential Oil and you will feel brand new. Detox Baths remedy flu symptoms by clearing your congestion, easing aches and pains by warming your body, and detoxing your body while increasing your white blood cell count. It also feels absolutely AMAZING to light a candle, dim the lights, and lay in steaming water for a while.

  4. Grab all the Greens! It may not sound like your typical "sick day" meal but dark, leafy greens are key if seeking home remedies for flu symptoms. Vegetables like spinach and kale are incredibly nutrient dense and high in vitamins A, C, and K. They act as an anti-inflammatory with antioxidants that protect your cells and have also been found to be antibacterial. Here is a yummy green smoothie recipe to cover all your nutritional needs when experiencing the flu: 1 Cup Kale, 1 Cup Spinach, 1/2 Banana, 1/4 Avocado, 1/2 Cup Strawberries & Blackberries, 1 Cup Coconut Water and a small piece of Ginger. It's not only delicious but it detoxifies your body while providing it with all the nutrients you need.

  5. Tea Tonic for the win. Last but not least is my killer Tea Tonic for flu symptoms! It's a concoction of remedies from a variety of cultures that I learned from my grandmother, closest friends and of course, Google. This recipe is jampacked with antioxidants and is also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and tastes REALLY GOOD!

  • Boil 4 Cups of Water.

  • Add 1 inch of grated or chopped Ginger (fresh/frozen)

  • Add 1-2 diced Garlic cloves

  • Add 1/4 of a sliced Onion

  • Add 1 sliced Lemon

  • Add 2 Cinnamon Sticks or 1 TBSP of Cinnamon Powder

  • Add 2 Dashes of Cayenne Pepper

  • Add 1 TSP of Turmeric Powder

  • Add 1 Dash Black Pepper

  • Add 1 Bag of Green Tea

  • Let simmer on low heat for 10-15-minutes.

  • Serve hot with 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar and 1-2 TBSP of honey.

  • Drink 3 times daily.

My flu symptoms kicked my behind for about 5 days. It was like a tornado that came and ruined my week with no regard for my to-do list! But it did inspire me to share my arsenal of home remedies for flu symptoms with all of you ladies so that you're not completely blind sighted by flu symptoms. I'll leave you with one last thought. If you are feeling ill, TAKE.THE.TIME.TO.HEAL! Whether that means applying 1 or more of the home remedies above, be sure to allow yourself the time you need to properly function. Dis-EASE is the bodies way of telling us to listen to it, to be gentle with ourselves, and to rest. Wishing you Joyous Healing, ladies!

Did you find these home remedies for flu symptoms helpful? Maybe you have a few tips of your own that didn't make the list but are just as helpful? Leave a comment below and share it with your girlfriends.

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