Year of Yes! 12 Habits in 12-Months

In 2017, I definitely got a taste of the life I aspire to live and I am hooked on the positive vibes, joy, and abundance. Now that I've visualized my life, I plan on making 2018 the year of taking action, dreaming big and saying YES to everything that scares me- on my Shonda Rhimes.

12 Habits in 12-Months

For 12-months I will practice a habit/hobby for 30-days. My hope is that while establishing new habits/hobbies I will become more adventurous and confident in the possibilities while potentially adapting new healthy habits long-term. No more saying, "I'm just not a morning person" or "Working out really isn't my thing." Limiting beliefs such as these are a thing of the past!

Below are the 12 Habits I will establish in the New Year:

In January I will say YES to Meditating Daily for 30-days. Countless amounts of studies have shown the tremendous benefits of meditating both within communities and for the individual that mediates. It brings about positive energy in all aspects of your life and what better way to begin 2018 than on a high vibe. Here are a few of my favorite guided meditations

February will be the month where I finally say YES to kickboxing every day. I've always been curious about it but never really had the courage to commit to trying it out. Whether I choose an at home program or visit a kickboxing gym a few times a week it's time to kick my butt back into shape. 

During the month of March Soul-Scribing, as Latham Thomas calls it in Own Your Glow, will be how I begin every single day for 30-days. Every night I will set a pen and journal on my night table, set an amethyst and lavender in my pillowcase and will write for 5-10 minutes upon waking. I'll also reach out to my dear friend Liana Naima, Spiritual Guide & Reiki Practitioner, for guidance on dream work. 

12 Habits in 12 Months

As the weather begins to warm up, I plan on drinking Green Smoothies every day in April. I don't currently drink green smoothies on a daily basis but whenever I do my energy level boosts and I can feel the greens doing their magic. Simple Green Smoothie challenge here I come!

In May a plant-based diet will be my saving grace for 30-days. I eat lots of veggies and fruit already but still consume quite a bit of meat. I plan to make 2018 the year of even more greens and less processed foods/meat and animal products. Lets just say the Food Heaven Made Easy cookbook will be my best friend!

I always tend to be a bit more nostalgic in June.  Perhaps it's because I was born in June but it always makes me reminisce about my childhood, my friendships and how I'd like to strengthen those bonds. It just so happens that many of my best friends are also June babies and it's a time when we naturally see each other more often. This June I plan on stepping it up a bit by calling or visiting one family member or friend every day for 30-days. 

In college, I practiced Yoga regularly and I felt incredible. July will be the month of bringing this beautiful practice back into my life. Yoga has always been such peaceful practice for me and there's an amazing studio in Harlem that I'd love to begin practicing at regularly. The great thing about yoga is that I can also do it from home. Yoga with Adrienne is my go-to at home yoga instructor.

12 habits in 12 months

Studying French for 30-days in August is definitely one hobby I hope sticks! I've been trying to learn French for years but always seem to find other ways to spend my time. Online forums, DuoLingo, and Rosetta Stone will be my BFF. I might even go old school and get a virtual penpal. In 2019 I plan on making my first trip to France and Italy, and I hope to be fluent by the time I land.

In September I plan on drinking 1 Gallon of water a day. Drinking enough water increases energy and relieves fatigue, promotes weight loss, flushes out toxins, improves skin complexion and boosts your immune system. Whether it's in the form of unsweetened tea, infused water or hot lemon water in the AM, I will drink 1 gallon of water a day.

Ever since reading Marie Kondo's book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up I've been hooked on minimalism. For me that means getting id mostly of clothes and shoes, but I still feel like there's more that I can donate or eliminate. In October I plan to donate or eliminate one item a day for 30-days.

12 Habits in 12-Months

November is all about spirituality for me. I plan to read one chapter of A Course in Miracles every night before bed. I find that the lessons in this book are truly universal and hope to deepen my connection with myself and others. I'm also fortunate enough to live in N.Y.C. and will attend Marianne Williamson's lectures on the book on a weekly basis.

As a person who suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder self-care is incredibly important to me especially during the Winter  months. In December: I will make self-care a daily practice. Whether I indulge in sleeping an extra hour, mask my skin a little more often or spend more time with loved ones, self-care will be my #1 priority. 

12 Habits in 12-Months

If you joined in on the Year of Yes challenge, what habit/hobby would you practice for 30-days? Let me know in the comments below. Love this post? Pin, share and comment below.

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