Posts tagged health
3 Green Beauty Smoothies: Glowing Skin From Within

I've been in love with the simplicity and efficacy of green smoothies for about 5-years now. Why? Because eating three servings of greens and two servings of fruit every day isn't always easy to do. We live in such fast-paced world and, for me, there's nothing like slowing down a bit to enjoy one of my three green beauty smoothies.

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30-Day Challenge: Why I Quit Sugar, Dairy & Gluten

A year ago, if you suggested I quit sugar, dairy, and gluten, I might have looked at you like you had a third eye on your forehead. Why? Because everyone who knows me is well aware that I love a huge piece of carrot cake! And when I say love, I mean I might bite your hand off if you try to steal a bite. Imagine my families surprise, and admittedly my own, when I decided to quit sugar, dairy, and gluten for 30-days.

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