10 Tips to Manage Stress this Holiday Season

The holidays aren’t always a joyous time for all of us. Some of us have lost loved ones, have tumultuous relationships with family members and simply aren’t about the seeing 100 extended family members life.

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If this sounds like you, I have 10 Tips to help you survive the holiday season:

  1. Start Ahead of Time! Why wait until the holidays to prepare for the holiday season? I’ve found that healing old wounds with the support of a coach or therapist has helped tremendously with identifying any triggers and managing stress or anxiety the might arise around the holidays. Book your FREE consultation with me today.

  2. Get comfortable with setting boundaries. You heard me… if your mom asks why aren’t married stop her in her tracts and tell her this is not a conversation you’re comfortable having. Abuelas asking for great-grand kids? Ask her for a check in the amount of $240,000 which is what it costs to raise child until 17. Boundaries aren’t always easy to place, but they sure as hell make life easier.

  3. Start your day doing something you love. I mean it. Whether that’s meditating, writing a gratitude list, or binge-watching a few episodes of your favorite show, start your day on your terms.

  4. Know Your Body! You know what foods make you fee crappy and what foods make you feel great- stay away from the ones that don’t sit well with your body. Don’t allow others to force feed you or let your own mind play tricks on you. You’ll thank yourself later when you haven’t gained those 5 extra pounds.

  5. Have a game plan! I know my family makes ZERO vegetables during the holidays. What do I do to get those greens in? I make a smoothie in the AM and chug water throughout the day. sometimes I’ll even go as far roasting vegetables to take with me to the holiday parties.

  6. Carve time for yourself during the day. Whether that means going for a 10-minute walk to burn a few calories or sneaking away with your favorite sister to gossip about your Tios beer belly, take a few moments for yourself during the event to recharge.

  7. Practice acts of kindness or service. Nothing relieves my stress and makes me feel better during the holiday season more than doing some good for others. In November, I pack meals for the less fortunate and in December I participate in Toy Drive for children’s hospitals. It seriously feels amazing to see a smile on others faces, and reminds me to count my blessings.

  8. Prioritize Sleep! I know it’s easy to stay up until 5 AM throwing back whiskey & ginger ales with your dad (just me?…) but make sure you go to bed at a decent hour. Not saying you should leave the party at 7 PM to head to bed, but getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep during the holidays will make it even easier to manage stress, sort through family drama, and enjoy the festivities. Getting enough sleep will also help you fight those pesky cravings.

  9. Workout as often as you can. I know working out is about the last thing on your list during the holidays but sometimes a quick 20-minute workout is all you need to increase your happy hormones and deal with any fights over the last slice of pernil. P.S. It doesn’t hurt that working out will also help you maintain your figure.

  10. Call your favorite person! I can’t stress how surrounding ourselves with our favorite people can lift our spirits. I’m fortunate enough to live with my partner who just so happens to be my favorite human. But if you’re a bit further from the people who fill you with joy, pick up the phone and call them. Texts are a great way to stay connected but nothing beats hearing the voice of those you love.

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